Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural compound found in the body that is crucial for the health of your joints and skin. Generally speaking, its role is lubrication and moisture retention. If we look at this from a joint perspective, it’s helping lubricate our joints much like oil lubricates an engine.
This is why HA injections are commonly used to treat knee osteoarthritis. In this particular condition, the friction of bone-on-bone rubbing can start to break down the knee joint. Healthy joint fluid helps prevent the bones from rubbing together.
HA is going to increase the viscosity of the fluid inside your joints, aka it will increase the thickness of the fluid. This will not only help prevent friction injuries, it also improves the strength of the cartilage in your knee. Furthermore, HA affects the inflammatory process inside your joints to help slow the progression of joint break-down and reduce your pain!
First …
This is an injection, so if you can’t handle the idea of needles, this is NOT the therapy for you. Don’t worry though, there are other nutritional, herbal, and rehab based options that can help!
Second …
The joint injections of HA typically last 6-12 months on average. Depending on the formula used, this done as a 1 time only injection, or done in a series of 3.
Third …
The injections benefits are rarely felt right away, the benefits begin to become noticeable more around the 4 week mark. This is different from other therapies and sometimes this therapy is combined with other therapies for a quicker and longer lasting benefit.
Fourth …
You will be sore after your injections. Plan to be stiff and sore for days to weeks depending on the injection done. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean bed ridden! Movement is important for your joints. That being said, it may limit the type of activities you do and that is what you need to be aware of.
If you are going in for a consult be sure to ask your practitioner about the recovery time. This is an important part of informed consent and you need to go into the therapy with reasonable expectations.
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